January 25, 2010

10.01.25 .... 1981 boots

Frye boots. Circa 1981. The era of Calvins and Jordache and red white and blue leather Nikes. Always uncomfortable, yet they made me feel more confident and stylish. They were my talisman for many years of first dates. So many memories tied up in them! Not worn for many years, somehow they still occupy space in my closet. This is the only photo I've ever made of them. Perhaps it will help me let them go... hmm

Nikon D300 with 55mm f3.5 micro lens at f16 1/200s ISO 400. Flash bounced off ceiling. Photoshop used to clean up the black background.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky boots - I love it! Nooo, please don't let them go - they remind you of where you started from to get here!
